falcon 9 image from launch pad which is launching starlink satellites

SpaceX sent Ice-Cream and Science Experiment Equipments to the ISS

On Sunday, 29th August 29, 2021, at 07:14 UTC SpaceX vehicle Falcon 9 lifted off from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

SpaceX Dragon went for Commercial Resupply Services mission to deliver new science investigations, supplies, and equipment to the International Space Station for NASA.

Besides this, it carried some special treats for the crew in the form of fresh foods and even ice cream.

Robotic Dragon will arrive at the International Space Station on Monday morning (30th August) sending the first stage back to earth. The first stage of SpaceX Falcon 9 returned within 8 minutes.

This was the 90th successful landing of an orbital class rocket and the very first of the latest droneship ‘A Shortfall of Gravitas’

According to NASA’s press release The Science experiments which Dragon will deliver to International Space Station are:

Reducing Arthritis Dependent Inflammation First Phase.

Building bone with byproducts In the microgravity environment of space crew members lose on average 1% to 2% of their bone mineral density every month. For long-duration space missions like mars or some other planets, bone loss can prove to be a serious impediment. According to NASA’s press release “Reducing Arthritis Dependent Inflammation First Phase (READ FP) evaluates the effects of microgravity and space radiation on the growth of bone tissue and tests whether bioactive metabolites formed when food is broken down, might protect bones during spaceflight.” Plant extracts generated as waste products in wine production will be the source for these metabolites. This study will also be crucial for post-menopausal women on earth as it will contribute to the prevention and treatment of bone loss.

Retinal Diagnostics.

Keeping an eye on eyes. This experiment is to study the common signs of SANS (Space-Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome) in astronauts. A small, light-based device will capture images of the retinas of astronauts to study the progress of SANS.

Nanoracks-GITAI Robotic Arm


Advanced Plant Experiment-08 (APEX-08)

Faraday Nanofluidic Implant Communication Experiment (Faraday-NICE)

What do you think about these experiments?

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6 thoughts on “SpaceX sent Ice-Cream and Science Experiment Equipments to the ISS”

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