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What every Youth should do for the country.

This question aroused in my mind. So after getting my answers I thought that these ideas should be shared with everyone. So before getting the answer of ‘What every youth should do for the country’ let us have a look on few terms.

What does the term youth signify?

The term ‘Youth’ refers to the category of people who have sufficient energy to change something in the physical world. This category involves mostly people whose age varies from 12 to 30.

What our youth is doing?

1.  The youth of our country is involved in Non-productive and time-sucking activities.

2.  Our youth is busy justifying themselves.

3.  We take more interest in someone else’s life than ours.

4.  We never think about solving a problem instead we always love to complain about it by default.

5.  We try to master every aspect of life.

6.  Every time trying to promote the feeling of inferiority in them. (unknowingly)

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Why is youth wasting time? What is the root cause?

If you are thinking that youth don’t have any goals in life then according to me you might not have observed properly them because everyone aspires to become something or they want to achieve a particular state of happiness. 

But they all are missing the sense of urgency that drives them to achieve the goal. We all start thinking about our goals when we are going to sleep, after wasting the complete day. Also, I can say that we don’t have a purpose to achieve that particular goal.

Most often when we try to do something we do it to show other people that I can do my chores. So we all are trapped by our mind(I mean our thinking or thoughts). 

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What should we do?

First of all. I think we need to work on our thinking. To change thinking we need to understand that our thinking comes from experiences and knowledge gained. If you go one more layer deeper we would get the conclusion that most of our experiences were the results of actions taken by us in the past and that particular actions were taken because of the knowledge that was present in mind at that time and based upon our understanding.


To apply this technique let us have a brief knowledge of the functioning of our mind. We know that our mind works on probability. The thoughts which often come in our mind are based on the amount of knowledge about that particular thing with which our thoughts are associated. For example, let us assume our mind has four partitions and currently three of them are filled with useless and negative things.

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Now after thinking we should come to the second point i.e. changing the habits. For habits, we know that habits can never be demolished but they can be replaced by a good habit. So we need to start by changing basic habits like changing the habit of thinking about goals before sleep to just after we wake up so that energy to work on goal is utilized.  Free tip: Energy to achieve a goal comes when a goal becomes a burning desire and to make it happen I would recommend the principle mentioned in the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. He says when you repeat your goal many times a day for some regular period. It ultimately transforms into a burning desire depending upon the goal. What should youth focus on? As it was mentioned earlier that youth are people having energy sufficient to achieve anything they want. So we should understand the dilemma that this energy once gone waste it will not be able to us again in our life.  So we should try to do some work which impacts the lives of people surrounding us, our society, our country or our planet earth positively. Most of the very smart people I have seen seem dumb sometimes because I often hear them saying I am looking for a job(in most cases it is a government job) and get settled early and enjoy the life for rest of the time. If you are thinking that you will do all this stuff after getting your dream job then let me remind you my friend that as your age will increase more will be obligations and more difficult it will become to take some bold decisions.

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Now after thinking we should come to the second point i.e. changing the habits.

For habits, we know that habits can never be demolished but they can be replaced by a good habit. So we need to start by changing basic habits like changing the habit of thinking about goals before sleep to just after we wake up so that energy to work on goal is utilized. 


Energy to achieve a goal comes when a goal becomes a burning desire and to make it happen I would recommend the principle mentioned in the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. He says when you repeat your goal many times a day for some regular period. It ultimately transforms into a burning desire depending upon the goal.

What should we as a youth focus on?

As it was mentioned earlier that youth are people having energy sufficient to achieve anything they want. So we should understand the dilemma that this energy once gone waste it will not be able to us again in our life.  So we should try to do some work which impacts the lives of people surrounding us, our society, our country or our planet earth positively. Most of the very smart people I have seen seem dumb sometimes because I often hear them saying I am looking for a job(in most cases it is a government job) and get settled early and enjoy the life for rest of the time. If you are thinking that you will do all this stuff after getting your dream job then let me remind you my friend that as your age will increase more will be obligations and more difficult it will become to take some bold decisions.

18 thoughts on “What every Youth should do for the country.”

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  2. I have read your article carefully and I agree with you very much. This has provided a great help for my thesis writing, and I will seriously improve it. However, I don’t know much about a certain place. Can you help me?

  3. I have read your article carefully and I agree with you very much. This has provided a great help for my thesis writing, and I will seriously improve it. However, I don’t know much about a certain place. Can you help me?

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