
Elon Musk on SpaceX beginning read rocket manuals in Bar | Secret Story

We all know, Elon Musk is known and admired because of his hard work and taking bold decisions like starting companies like SpaceX, Tesla which were likely to be big failures. There are many stories of Chief Engineer of SpaceX i.e. Elon Musk which unveils his deep commitment and passion towards the Space Industry. Since childhood, he loved …

Elon Musk on SpaceX beginning read rocket manuals in Bar | Secret Story Read More »

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Do you know why Steve Jobs dropped the first iPod prototype in an aquarium? The big lesson for entrepreneurs

We all know Steve jobs believed in the fact that Quality is more important than Quantity. So he always wanted to make fewer apple products but at a very high-quality level. Once, engineers presented the first prototype of the iPod to Steve Jobs for its approval. They told Steve that it is having the least …

Do you know why Steve Jobs dropped the first iPod prototype in an aquarium? The big lesson for entrepreneurs Read More »